Travel tips

Pet Daycares

Last updated 3rd January 2017

Don’t miss out on family holidays because of your pets. We’ve got the lowdown on dog-friendly hotels and affordable petcare at home.


Leaving your dog or cat in kennels or with a petsitter can sometimes work out more expensive than your own holiday.

If you’re not happy to splash the cash though, don’t let it stop you travelling. Use a service like, a membership organisation that allows you to get to know other pet owners and animal lovers in your area

The service connects you with willing sitters – who are often happy to look after your pet for a minimal fee or – if you sort out a quid-pro-quo agreement – absolutely nothing.

Membership is free and there’s even a profile-matching service, so you can leave your pet with those who have experience of particular breeds.



Check in to Swinton Park (01765 680900) in North Yorkshire, the ancestral seat of the Earl of Swinton, which sits within 200 spectacular acres of parkland.

It’s so dog-friendly that visiting canines receive a cosy basket to sleep in and a welcome letter from the resident golden lab, Myrtle; and it’s so child-friendly you’ll find everything from family falconry sessions and lessons in building fires to family cookery courses.

Other hotels that get the kiddy/doggy vote include Lower Mill Estate (01285 869489) in the Cotswolds, and The Nare in Cornwall (01872 501111).