Enjoy the high life
Imagine having a treehouse that you could take anywhere. Tentsile Tree Tents are the perfect piece of kit for families who love spending time in the great outdoors. These ingenious, suspended tents have plenty of space for you, the kids, and all your gear. Plus they give you full weather protection and the ability to stack your camp over many levels. The lower levels can be used to store gear, wet clothing, dogs or could even act as the parents’ sleeping quarters, while the top levels can be used solely for comfortable bedding and act as a secure and snug place for the kids to be put to bed over head!
The beauty of Tree Tents is that they are suspended, so they are not dependent on flat or firm ground conditions for set up. They also give you a ground floor level underneath the tents so you can enjoy a ‘living room’ of up to 160sq feet / 14sqm, with walls that can be added to the sides of the tents and pegged out to give you an enclosed, private and protected space in which to relax and play.
Nothing compares to the versatility and flexibility offered by Tensile Tree Tents and for families who want more out of their camping experience, these unique tents are hard to beat. With a Tree Tent, you and the kids will get more space, more comfort, a much greater choice of camping location. Imagine their faces when you tell them they’re going to be sleeping in the trees!
Five top places to pitch up in the trees
1. Oregon Coast

Image credit: Nick Lake
The Oregon coast is a marvellous place and a favourite for families. Beautiful old trees, moss, jagged coastline and the home of the Goonies! Who wouldn’t want to go adventuring in the footsteps of that iconic gang? As the terrain is rough in most places, you will need the most versatile tent imaginable and Tree Tents are ideal for the job. Great for whole families and their gear, with a full insect top and rain fly to give you covered porches from where to exit and enter the tent. Your only real concern will be which view to settle for.
Products in image: From top to bottom, Tentsile Stingray, Trillium and Flite.
2. Cambodian Beach
With miles of pristine white sand beaches, there will be no shortage of choice for your campsite. Using a Tentsile, you will be well out of the way of any high tide lines, away from the sand flies and best still – you will have the best view of anyone on the beach! Can you think of anything more relaxing than being suspended over the water with a sun shade over you offering protection for the heat of the day? Even hard-to-please teens will be in heaven.
Products in image: Tentsile Connect, two person tree tent attached to beach rocks
3. Northern California

Image credit: Nick Lake
When you’re thinking of magnificent tall trees, Northern California is likely to be at the forefront of your mind. The West Coast of the US boasts some of the best wilderness in the world and it is all pretty accessible! The set-up pictured above can sleep 12 people in covered comfort – although the climb up is not for everyone. Then again, you can set the same configuration of Tentsiles up just 3ft / 1m off the ground and enjoy it just as much – that’s the beauty of Tensile Tree Tents.
Products in image: A stacked collection of Tree Tents; A Trillium at the bottom as a safety layer, three Connect tents clipped together above to form a six-person super tent, then a Stingray on top forming a weather seal.
4. The Alps

Image credit: @Jucham (Instagram)
The Alps offer some of the best views in Europe, the cleanest air, the best weather and numerous spots to Tentsile! No flat ground needed, no clearing brush to set a tent on the ground, just the enthusiasm and imagination to explore and create. This is freedom on a whole new level. With or without the rain fly, the Tentsile Connect is the hiking family’s best friend. Cover up in the rain or stargaze all night with the cover off (you’ll still be protected from mozzies by the insect mesh).
Products in image: Tentsile Connect two Person tent in the Alps.
5. Wilderness Wood, UK

Image credit: Andrew Walmsley
The UK is not known for its hot weather, but that doesn’t matter if you have good company and a camping solution that protects from even the worst of British weather! This stack of Tentsile tents consist of a Stingray at the top with its rain cover extended outwards protecting two layers of Trillium Hammock underneath. Nine people can sleep in this set-up, making it ideal for multi-family getaways. Wilderness Wood in East Sussex has an onsite cafe, workshops and its own tree plantation programme that you and the kids can volunteer with.
Products in image: From top to bottom, Stingray and two Trillium hammocks.
Wondering how they work?
Check out how the Stingray Tree Tent is put up and taken down and see lots more videos of Tensile tents in action.
Tentsile tents: the lowdown
Tentsile Tree Tents start at £242.76
Find out which Tenstile Tree Tent is perfect for your family and where you can buy one.
Naturally, the team at Tentsile love trees, so the good eggs plant three trees for every tent they sell.
Want to try before you by? A Tentsile Village at Kew Gardens Wakehurst site is being planned for Summer 2017 – more info coming soon!
Is the spirit of adventure stirring? Don’t miss the UK’s best wild camping spots.